The When Project
The Problem
After 7 years-old, American girls stop believing they can become President because they have never seen a female in the role. Now picture this: the year is 2016. Donald Trump just won the presidential elections. Yet another year where the world has yet to see a Female president in the US Congress.
The Solution
You and 3 other creatives (Ashley Glass, Katie Henry, Danielle Wasserman) decide to take matter into their own hands and start asking girls of all ages what they will do when they become president, and immortalizing their pledge through photography and quotes. The When Project’s goal is to inform the world that a female U.S. President is not a matter of "if" but "when". And inspire girls across America to believe it will be them.
The project was talked about on AdAge/Creativity Online, Disney’s former and The Clios – who put us alongside Audi and General Electric as brands that want to see women in the driver’s seat.
Disney's Babble
The When Project by Ari Ehrlich