SU2C: Caregiving Portraits

When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer we begin fighting it alongside them. From making them laugh to shaving one's head or throwing them a party, there are many ways we can stand up to cancer together.

We tapped into this insight around caregiving to create portraits of real survivors and their loved ones across TV and social-first video, encouraging viewers to join the fight by dining out with their Mastercard to make a donation to Stand Up to Cancer. This campaign won a few awards and blew past Twitter and Instagram benchmarks to yield the highest engagement rate on Mastercard social. Ever.

More importantly, we inspired countless viewers to share their caregiving stories and pledge to stand up for those who stand up to cancer.


Social Portraits

Midas Awards
Shorty Awards: Silver Distinction

Agency: McCann New York
CDs: Joyce King Thomas, Joel Rodriguez, Pete Jones
Copy: Anthony Thornton